
Friday, April 18, 2008


A month or two back I won a free bag from a company called BYOB.

I was so thrilled! I just need to narrow down which bag I want. I have it down to almost any of them on this page.

I would say my top 4 are:

Cheeky - I'm worried about it offending people but I love it!

Translation - Basic but I live in a very multicultural area and so the message is clear to everyone who reads my bag.

Lovely - It's a nice qoute but I'm not sure its "me". I don't mind the color though.

Windmill - I like the color and the informative statement on the bag.

Let me know your opinion readers!! Don't forget to take a look around the site.


Oberon said...

......found out about free rice the other day.....that's so cool.....i play all the

Canadian Saver said...

That's cool! how did you enter that contest??

I like all of the ones you listed, probably cheeky, translation and windmill as top 3.

Dolly Iris said...

I am in the Facebook group. In December my name was drawn from a random mix of people who had posted on the wall during that month. The owner Jenny seems so nice to interact with and I really support her product. Hell!, I wish I'd come up with it. :P

Laura said...

I say Translation...the cheeky one is in your face, and although the message is clear cut, it is a little offensive. I am just thinking about little kids who see it...the Translation one kind of sends the message that it is everyone's job to heal this planet.

Anonymous said...

Cheeky - cute, but if you're gonna offend people, you might as well spell out the entire swear words. I say no.

Translation - Ugly, ugly fonts! Cheesy '90s idea of having it in a million languages. Why not just have a bunch of little kids hold hands around a globe?

Lovely - Perhaps if you want a pattern for some dead lady's shawl. Flowers... nah.

Windmill - I like! It's a nice design, and I guarantee people will stop and ask you "Where'd you get that cool bag?" If they don't, well, I'll buy you ten frappacunios at the Harewood Starbucks!