I like to try a lot of new foods. Especially fruits and vegetables! Whenever I go to this one small oriental foods store here in town I always end up with a few new items in my basket. About a month ago I purchased my first Rambutans. The store owner is a very good salesman and introduced me to them and insisted I try some.
I decided to just purchase three. One for me, BF and BF's friend who was shopping with us for a dinner we were preparing. I took them home and opened them right away. The shop owner had explained they are pretty much like a lychee nut, so they have a shell and a pit. I carefully cut around the outside of the Rambutan to pop off the exterior.
Then I carefully bit the fruit off the tiny pit in the middle. It was great!
I am always scared when I try things like this because the first time I had a lychee nut I bit into it and accidentally split in half which resulting in a horrible taste in my mouth. The owner told me that meant it was probably bad (Eww) but that its still not right to bite into the seed (LoL).
I definitely did enjoy this new fruit and I would recommend you to try if you see it the next time you're at the grocery store. Mmm good!
That is one of the strangest things I have ever seen.
What fruit do you think it most resembles in terms of taste?
I would say its pretty much the same as a lychee nut if you've ever had one of those. The texture is like a grape.
Very interesting yep! I've never seen those, I doubt they have them here locally... Oriental grocery stores must be so intriguing!
Rambutans are MUCH tastier than lychees...in my opinion
You may also like "jackfruit" or maybe "longans" pronounced "loohng ahns" ... but they have an odd texture
Durian fruit also has a weird texture and taste but some people love it
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