
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Walmart and the Stimulus Cheque

Now remember.. I am Canadian but I was disgusted the other night when I saw a Walmart commercial directed towards American's receiving a stimulus cheque.

Do you know what I'm talking about? Have you seen it? I can't find it anywhere online but Walmart has a new commercial out trying to entice people to cash their cheque's through them and offering incentives for it.

I found this article regarding their attempt to get a grab on the money.


Canadian Saver said...

Isn't there a US grocery chain that will give you back your whole stimulus check and then a certain percentage extra in gift cards?? If customers spend it instead of paying down debt or saving it, it's doing what the government intended in the first place, stimulating the economy I guess.

ashley said...

What is even sadder is the fact that most likely a big chunk of Americans really will take Walmart up on that offer, and then blow the whole thing in the store. That's how we got into this mess in the first place- short sightedness.

Leslie said...

I know this is an older post but...

Yea, it's sick. Sears and grocery stores were giving you an extra 10%, Walmart just did free check cashing... but at their store I saw a booth "Sign up with our credit card and get a free 2-liter Sam's Club Soda!" I can't imagine anyone signing up for a credit card to get a free $1 worth of soda...


My $600 went directly to the e-fund. :)