
Monday, March 30, 2009

April Is Already Just A Few Days Away

I can't believe we are at April already. I really need to get my ass in gear. This year is passing by much too quickly. I have to start buckling down with my savings and plans for the big year long trip to Australia.

I did something I never do. I went through my online bank statement for March and added up all the money spent on eating out just on my debit card. $200!!!!! I am so pissed at myself. That doesn't include any money paid in cash or anything spent on groceries! Oh my! I have been feeling really disappointed in my weight lately and calculating how much I'm spending on putting junk into my body I can really see where the problem is. I'm just hurting myself, my wallet and my goals by being so reckless!

April will see some financial set backs as I missed four days of work in March due to feeling under the weather. That will affect my cheque in a big way on Friday, which will in turn affect my ability to save. The second financial setback is a little more fun. BF's boss is paying for us to go to a convention in the Okanagan. It's actually in the town that we met picking fruit 4 years ago. I'm very excited but I'll miss some work due to the trip. I think my only cost will be maybe getting a new outfit and shoes for the convention dinners. I also want to have a little extra cash to have some fun and enjoy myself as we have a room at a place across from the beach. This won't hit me in the pocket until May which is luckily a three payday month to help soften the blow.

Last Sunday we planted some seeds indoor to get our garden started for the year. We planted tomatoes, green onions and peppers. On Wednesday the onions had already growing. By Friday we had little tiny tomato plants popping up. Today we saw the first onion push its way out of the soil. It's very exciting! We also put up the bird feeder last weekend and its already very popular! April is going to be a great month to get the yard set up for another successful spring and summer. I miss spending time in the gardens with BF.

Now that Spring is here I need to get outside and lose some pounds. I've surpassed the weight limit I have set in my mind as too far and I feel panicked that if I don't do something now that I'm going to really put it on. I need to start watching what I eat and working out more. I notice now that I feel sluggish and tired all the time. My cardiovascular is horrible and I'm feeling more than chubby :( At least BF has already started to get in shape so I can learn a lot from him.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Isn't it great to plant things indoors and see them grow? I too have onions and tomatoes, but I also planted leeks (an experiment) and a pumpkin. I really need to get some other stuff going too.

Thanks for all you nice comments the other day! Made me feel a lot better!

Um, if you get bored at the conference, look me up! I'm a great tour guide. ;) In other words, I know which wineries give the most free samples!

The Asian Pear said...

Look at it this way... If you pack your lunches more often, you can save money and calories! That's what I'll be doing in April too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dolly. Just wanted to say thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog. I'm glad you like the name. I couldn't think of anything else I would like to do besides Punch Debt In Its Face. :)