
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dear House - Please Stop Falling Apart

So I told you guys about when my pipes froze up for two days while BF was away. Then I told you when the back gutter filled with ice and ripped off the house, which then landed on the back porch crushing our BBQ, lawn chairs and ripping down my clothes line. Well, things happen in threes and last Saturday it happened.

BF and I were leaving to go to my Grandpa's new home to have family game night when BF reached for the door knob and it came off into his hand. LOL!!!!! So until he fixes it we have to use the back door. Poor house! Good thing we never bought it. It just has too many issues. Somebody needs to buy the land and bulldoze this place!


The Asian Pear said...

oh my! I'm glad it was you two who was coming home who discovered the broken door knob and not some random stranger who might have taken advantage of the situation! O_O!

Dolly Iris said...

It happened on our way out so we were able to catch it right away. The outside of the door looks normal still. We also have a deadbolt lock so I'm not worried :)

Canadian Saver said...

How old is your house? Stuff like that regularly happens at mine, unfortunately :-(

Did you get your BBQ replaced?

Dolly Iris said...

This house is super old. It was originally a mining home that was built onto. BF fixed the door handle and planed down the door so it opens and closes easier. We have not replaced the BBQ yet because we haven't found one. :)