
Sunday, February 1, 2009

January TCOB Recap

Create Health Improvement Plan For Myself - Sorta
While I haven't put any real goals on paper I've been slowly making adjustments here and there to eat better and push a little more exercise into my daily routine.

Set Up Work Station For Myself - Half Way There
When I gave up my personal office in the house so BF could have his own space I moved my tools and things into a more common area of the house upstairs. I've got a good start on it but haven't organized everything yet or hung up my board with my tools so I'm not ready to take credit for having it done yet, lol.

Make Sure All Savings Accounts Are Over $100 - COMPLETED
This month I saved a total of $900 between my four savings accounts. YAY ME!

Deal with EI Audit - COMPLETED
Well I did deal with EI and I submitted all my paperwork. They haven't called me to tell me what is happening even though I requested so in my statement and I've called and left a msg to find out whats happening. My end is completed as far as I'm concerned.

Host Birthday Party for my Mother - COMPLETED
This year I was more than happy to host a birthday party for my mom. I prepared most of the food and then had every guest bring something to contribute like a potluck. Almost everyone showed and I think she had a really good time. I won't be here next year to celebrate with her so it was extra meaningful for me.

Open Sub Accounts for 2009 Savings Goals - COMPLETED
I opened two more sub accounts this month at ING and put a $100 in each to kick start both accounts. I'm considering changing one account though. More on this to come.

So even though the month flew by I managed to get a lot of things done. I'm happy with the progress I made this month and I'm looking forward to February!

1 comment:

Canadian Saver said...

You had an awesome January, congratulations!!