
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year Resolutions for 2011

This year for my resolutions I have decided on... NONE.

I have decided to just keep focused on my 30B430 goals. I want to knock most of those puppies out of the park before I move on to other things. I don't want to overwhelm myself with two sets of goals. I like my current goals and I think its a well rounded bunch so I'm going to stick with it.

If you are new to my blog you can check out the goals I have set from the above labeled tab or from my sidebar on the right.

There's also the fact that this year will be full of a lot of unknowns. I will return to Canada in February after a year of traveling. I dont know where I'll work, where I'll live, how much I will be making or anything really. So I'm not going to put any extra pressure on myself until I get settled back in.

So there you have it. No resolutions for me.

What is your number one resolution for 2011?


The Asian Pear said...

Good luck with your Before 30 goals. How much time do you have?

Anonymous said...

I love your list of goals! :) There's so many good ones that benefit others too! Just awesome!

My #1 goal is to not buy myself clothes for an entire year. Ack! lol!

hklover86 said...

you don't know where your going to live??

Anonymous said...

I think one list of goals is enough, all the best for 2011!

Dolly Iris said...

Asian Pear - Oct 2012

HKLover - Nope! We will stay at my moms while we find a place.