
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend

Yay! Happy Turkey Lurkey Weekend Everyone!!!!

I work all this weekend so we'll be having our turkey dinner next weekend. I cannot wait to make turkey stew and sandwiches. Yumscrumpdiddly!

So what am I thankful for?

  1. Working the stat day and making double time and a half. Heck yeah!

  2. Having two amazing men in my life - BF and Chipotle

  3. A family that I love

  4. Having a job, place to live, food in my cupboards and all my needs taken care of

  5. Having the support from all of you amazing readers that makes me push so hard to meet my goals

Now how about you. Will you be eating a big yummy bird? What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Canadian Saver said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for lots of things too, am really blessed!

We're not having turkey this year, just ate it on Labor Day so it gets to be too much sometimes. Although the leftovers are usually very good!

And way to go on the double time and a half! I'd work it too !